Inhoud 400 gr
* Ingrediënt : Psylliumschil, Selderij, Moerbeiblad, Noniblad, Gingko-blad,
Gember, Citroengras, Shiitake-paddenstoel, Lyophilium-paddenstoel,
Sint-Joris paddestoel, Leeuwenmanen paddestoel, Iep-oesterzwam,
Grijze oesterzwam, Gespleten kieuw paddestoel, Suikermaïs, Limoen,
Sinaasappel, Spirulina, Groene Thee, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae,
Kaneel, Steranijs, Kruidnagel.
A fiber-rich nutritional supplement that has been carefully formulated
from the best, completely natural ingredients. – Contains vegetables, various mushrooms,
spirulina, green tea, mulberry leaf, ginkgo leaf, noni leaf,
fruit, herbs and a selection of spices. – Rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber. – Low fat, sugar free, cholesterol free – Best source of high quality fiber
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